49 Signs Of A Cheating Partner - Read These Red Flags Now And Know If Your Partner Is A Cheater

Lately things just aren't the same with your partner. Something seems off, and you can't help but wonder if there's somebody else. Suspecting your partner of cheating can be tricky. The possibility terrifies you, but you're also afraid of being wrong and looking like a fool who has trust issues. In a situation like this, it is wise to tread carefully.

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Make sure that there are legitimate reasons for suspecting your partner, and that it's not just your insecurity that is skewing your point of view. If you do have an overwhelming feeling that there may be infidelity in your relationship then read on for common signs of cheating, and compare them with your man or lady's behavior.

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1. Change In long held beliefs: You observe a shift in your partner's attitude about relationships or love. It may be that your man used to condemn husbands who cheat on their wives and had strong opinions about infidelity. Suddenly, they seem more lenient with their thinking.

Maybe you're watching TV together one night and there's news of a celebrity couple breaking up because the man cheated. You are appalled, but he might shrug and say something like "Well, if she stopped having sex with him what do you expect?"

Pay attention to changes in long held beliefs that your partner had, he or she may be altering their view to accommodate their new thinking or behavior.

2. Trading in khakis for miniskirts: If you have known your partner for a while, then you might start noticing sudden changes in the way they dress or want to look. If your lady has always been very taken with her appearance, and she buys new clothes or changes her hair, it may not be a cause for alarm. However, if she used to dress like a frumpy grandmother to work and she's suddenly wearing miniskirts and high heels, then you may have a problem.

3. Newfound body image issues: A sudden and unjustified change in body image is another major infidelity sign. If your partner has taken the decision to be thinner or more muscular for health reasons or has always been fit there's probably no reason to doubt anything.

However, if your couch potato husband is not really concerned with his health, but suddenly starts spending hours in the gym because he is now obsessed with getting rid of his belly fat, then take a closer look. Also, if he refuses that you accompany him to the gym, or is presenting otherwise sketchy behavior regarding his body, he may be straying.

4. I want to be alone: Your partner suddenly wants to spend a lot of time on their own. The need for space is a major sign that something is going on especially if this request comes out of nowhere and with no valid explanation.

If you two had a fight and he or she is still resentful, then the need for space can be somewhat understood. However, if your relationship is stable and things are going great, and your partner suddenly wants to be alone, there might be someone else filling that void.

5. Picking fights: The man or woman in your life might also not only demand more space but do everything possible to create more of it. He or she might pick fights for no reason, and may make an issue of every little thing to create an illusion that you're not getting along.

They do this to legitimize their wrongdoings and to feel less guilty. The way they figure is this; since you're both always fighting, you are the unreasonable one and you are pushing them into another person's arms.

6. Storming out of the house: On a related note, if your man or woman storms out after a "fight" because they just can't take it anymore and say that they need some time to think, they may be using it as an opportunity to meet up with the other person. This technique has two major benefits.

First, it gives him or her more time on their own to cheat. Second, they can use the fights as a lever to gain the sympathy of the other person who they are cheating with. They want the other man or woman to stay in the deceitful relationship.

So they complain about their partner to demonstrate that they are being driven to cheat and so it isn't their fault. So if every time you fight with your partner, he or she storms out there may be a good reason why.

7. Reverse psychology: When someone is cheating, he or she becomes a master manipulator. If you start noticing that your once earnest and direct partner is using reverse psychology and other weird techniques that they didn't use before, then know that something is up. If he or she always makes it seem that you're the one in the wrong no matter what happens. He or she may have something to hide.

8. On the defensive: If your man or lady has suddenly become overly defensive and can't take any type of criticism, then you need to take a good look at what's going on. If you ask him about a lady co-worker and he starts a fight, or he becomes furious after you ask him why he didn't call if he was going to be late for dinner, there's something there.

Ask your partner about it, maybe there's a good reason for this newly found oversensitivity and short temper. A stressful work week or family problems may be to blame for this change in behavior.

9. Lying through their teeth: Cheating always involves lying. If you keep catching your partner in little lies, then something is up. If he said he was working late the night before at the office, then says that he was out with his boss having drinks another time, beware he may be cheating. If the little things he or she says just don't add up, then ask them about it. If they avoid confronting the issue, you can be sure that there's something going on that shouldn't be.

10. Going the distance: If your partner is cheating, then he or she may deal by becoming more distant. He will avoid talking about serious subjects and only engage in small talk. He may avoid getting into conversations about your finances, work, and children if you have them or any future plans. He or she will always seem to have something on their mind and you can't seem to connect with them on a deeper level like you used to.

11. Emotional detachment: Your partner might also disengage emotionally from your relationship. Your man used to be extremely affectionate and loving, but now you can't get an "I love you" out of him. There might be something wrong. You'll want to ask him why he has become emotionally detached.

He might be upset with you over something you did and is acting out, so talking about it is very important. If he just shrugs or refuses to even acknowledge his behavior or even blames you for being paranoid, something deeper might be festering under his aloof exterior and you need to be careful.

12. Loves being out alone, hates staying in with you: Does your partner seem upbeat when he or she gets home or when they are getting ready to go out, but seems gloomy while he or she is spending time with you? If you don't have any problems in your relationship that may be causing this change in behavior, then it might be that your partner is excited about something going on outside the home, something like a juicy affair.

13. Affection overload: Some other cheaters act in an entirely different manner due to overwhelming feelings of guilt. They will shower their partners with affection, gifts and caring words. They might be even more romantic than usual and more attentive.

If this shift is sudden and you cannot find a logical or even an illogical explanation for it, then ask your partner what brought this on, they may be able to reassure you and give you a valid explanation. If you still can't understand this behavior, it might be that your partner is cheating and using this as a decoy so you won't suspect anything.

14. Chatter away: On a related note, if your usually silent partner suddenly becomes a chatterbox, then beware. Sometimes people who lie tend to over talk or give more information than was asked for to cover up other things. Observe this new behavior for a while, and bring it up to them if it bothers you.

15. Working a lot of overtime: One of the most obvious cheating signs is your partner keeps working overtime when this was never the case before. He or she suddenly becomes the most valuable and hardest working employee in their company.

This doesn't always mean that your partner is cheating on you; there might be a special project that needs to be done before a certain deadline or it's the end of the year and there's a lot of work that needs to be done. However, if your partner seems to be the only one working overtime, and other employees don't seem to know anything about it, then there might be something fishy going on.

16. Do not enter-work zone: If your partner used to involve you in his or her work life. Telling you all about work, inviting you to company events like picnics, having you over to meet them for lunch but suddenly starts cutting you off, something might not be right.

Maybe he or she doesn't want you around their workplace because there's someone they don't want you to know about or there is something that they are hiding like all those extra projects they were working on late were fictional. If you do see any of your partner's co-workers, they may act very uncomfortable in your presence. If there is no valid explanation for this, something might be going on behind your back.

17. Buddies no more: Similarly, if your man used to invite his buddies over for Sunday night football or Thursday night Basketball every week, and suddenly stops having them over, it may be because he is afraid that they will spill his secret or not corroborate his stories.

If he starts meeting with them outside more and more, he may also be using them as his alibi for getting out of the house. He may be keeping you apart from them because he's afraid that they might accidently or intentionally divulge his secret.

18. Awkward friend situation: Also it may be that your man or lady's friends keep avoiding you even though you all used to be very close. Your girlfriend or wife's friends might do everything in their power to not see you because they can't face you if they know of their friend's cheating.

They might also be afraid of saying anything that would compromise your relationship and most people do not want to be a part of that. So they might avoid you all together so as not to find themselves in an awkward situation.

19. Bye Bye old interests: If your partner suddenly loses interest in activities which he used to love, then there might be something weird going on. If your man, out of the blue, starts to hate playing sports when he used to live and breathe soccer, or he stops spending his free time gardening on the weekends, then there might someone else in his life that is bringing on those changes.

20. Marriage blues: If you are married, and you notice that your husband or wife starts acting hostile or bored towards you, your children or your home life in general, there might be something fishy going on. He or she might start making references to how they misses being single or how hard it is to be married.

He or she might get rid of your children's toys in the car or anything that demonstrates that they have a family. They may be cheating with someone and are lying to them about being married with children, and so they suddenly start rejecting their marital status.

21. Beware of the Lazy pants: If your spouse used to be active around the house doing laundry, feeding the kids, mowing the lawn, and suddenly starts becoming lazy and uncooperative, he or she may be feeling negatively towards the very notion of being married and sharing your home.

They don't even want to try anymore, and this includes doing chores, planning family outings and vacations. They might not even want to attend important events such as holidays, anniversaries or birthday parties. This is especially suspicious if they never really had any issue with doing these things before.

22. Strange outings: Another sign that your partner may be straying is that he or she begins to go out to new places at strange times, and never has a convincing answer as to why this is. He used to hate food shopping, suddenly he insists on doing the weekly grocery shopping, and doesn't want you to come along.

She used to deeply despise anything arty, and out of the blue, one Saturday has an outing to go to an art museum with friends. You know your partner inside and out, so if you notice changes in their favorite activities with no valid explanation, something is up.

23. Sneaking out like a teenager: If your partner is sneaking out, then he or she may have something to hide. The reason they may be going out behind your back is usually to avoid scrutinizing questions and wants to avoid lying to you. If he or she has nothing to hide then letting you know that they are on their way out shouldn't be such a secretive matter, so beware of increased sneakiness and secrecy.

24. Is your partner an undercover agent?: You may find out that your partner has a new means of communication that you don't know about. This includes a new e-mail address, a Facebook account under a pseudonym or nickname, a new cell phone and phone number. All of these are big red flags that you should immediately take notice of.

25. Financial infidelity: Another major sign of cheating is the odd use of money and/or credit cards. If you are used to sharing financial data between you and your partner, and he or she suddenly starts hiding credit card statements or disabling your access to an online checking account to hide cash withdrawals or other new spending habits, something weird is going on.

26. Is this my partner talking?: If your partner is having an affair, then he or she might start using different language than he used to. This includes telling more or less jokes, or using certain catch phrases. He or she may even adopt a certain way of talking or an accent that is inspired by someone else.

We tend to emulate people that we like and hang around with often. So if this is happening in your relationship, pay attention and ask your partner about it.

27. Your partner becomes jumpy and frazzled: Your man or lady might easily get disturbed or confused by mundane things. If you do something nice for him or her, they act strange. This is because they want to vilify you to justify their wrongdoing, and your nice behavior catches them off guard.

They might act disoriented and jumpy for no apparent reason. This can be a cheating sign because your partner is trying to sort out his or her feelings about your relationship but also the affair, and is likely to present erratic and unstable behavior as a result.

28. Country music anyone?: If your partner suddenly starts developing new taste in music or in food, then you might want to question him or her about it. It may be that they are dating someone who is fond of a certain cuisine or music, and they are beginning to take a liking to it. Developing new tastes out of the blue can be a revealing sign that your partner has found someone new to be devoted to.

29. What's up with the Brazilian?: Another infidelity sign is a sudden change in personal hygiene and body grooming habits. If your man used to shower every morning and is suddenly taking several showers a day for no apparent reason, there might be something going on.

If your lady didn't used to pay attention to her private parts being groomed, and begins getting Brazilian bikini waxes, she might be trying to impress someone else. He or she may also buy new underwear and use it, or may start putting on a lot of perfume or after shave. Pay attention to these little details if you suspect your partner of cheating.

30. Condoms away!: Another sign that there might be a sexual affair going is the increased use of contraceptive methods. Is she on the pill when you have gotten a vasectomy? Is he carrying out condoms when you are on the pill and haven't used condoms since high school? If there is no valid explanation for this behavior, then this is a big red flag that your partner may be cheating.

31. Blue pill wonders: Another sign of cheating is that your partner is suddenly interested in purchasing medication for sexual performance. He may get erectile dysfunction medication such as Viagra. She might order breast enlargement herbal supplements or lubricant for herself. This is especially suspicious if it is done secretively through online ordering or he or she hides the objects once they arrive or takes them in secret.

32. The answer lies in clothes: There may be unexplained stains, smells or rips on your partner's clothing. This may include the clichéd lipstick smudge on your man's shirt, but also other types of stains and smells that just aren't typical of your partner's clothes. This can also lead to suddenly excessive laundry washing at weird hours of the day or night, unexplained purchasing of new clothes, or finding clothes in the trash can that your partner may have thrown away to hide evidence.

33. Knock knock, is anyone in there?: Your partner may be caught daydreaming or checked out at many times during the day, and doesn't tell you what they're thinking about and is unwilling to interact. He or she seems to be in another world, but denies it and can't seem to be bothered to engage in activities with you. Your partner may just be absorbed by work or something else might be bothering them.

34. Are you more likely to reach President Obama on the phone than your partner?: Your partner suddenly becomes impossible to reach. When you call the office, they are always at a meeting or on another call with an important client. Their cell phone is turned off on more than one occasion, and the cell phone reception in their building is suddenly the "worst." Your partner may not call you back right away, or claims to not have received your calls or listened to your messages.

Their assistant or receptionist is all of the sudden the most incompetent person on earth. In short, the fact that they have become inaccessible is everyone else's fault but their own. All the flimsy excuses in the world cannot hide the fact that there is something sketchy going on in your partner's life.

35. No, it's mine!: With the advent of new technologies, there is a multitude of ways one can keep in touch with someone else. If you and your partner used to share phones and laptops, and keep them on in each other's presence and this suddenly changes, there is a reason for that. You used to look at your man's cell phone, read his text messages and he never even flinched.

All of the sudden, his phone has become so precious to him that he eve takes it into the bathroom. If you take a look at it, he accuses you of snooping. His laptop, which used to be your computer as well, suddenly has password protection. All of these are telltale signs that he might have something to hide.

36. Delete all: If he still allows you to touch or use his or her phone, or laptop, you find that he or she always makes sure that browser history and cookies are deleted, that their contact list is cleaned up, and incoming e-mails erased.

Maybe they're just embarrassed of some pages they visited, but more likely, he or she may be hiding their online contact with a lover. Similarly, if his or her phone's message list or call log is always empty, they just might be hiding something or someone from you. Look into this.

37. He or she becomes a night owl: Your partner might spend a lot of time on their computers especially late at night and after you go to bed. Sure, your man might be a porn addict, but he may also be contacting another woman.

On a related note, your partner might start talking more and more on their cell phones, and racking up huge bills. To sum it up, if there is a sudden, unexplained change in telephone or computer usage with your partner, there may be something strange going on.

38. Your opinion and advice don't matter anymore: Another sign that your partner might be infidel is he or she stops seeking out your advice or your opinion about major decisions in their lives. They might make irresponsible big purchases or act impulsively without talking with you first. Maybe he went and spent all of his savings on a boat that you never knew about.

Maybe she decided to put up your house on the market without consulting you first. They may have quit their jobs and not even told you about it. This type of rash behavior is typical of a cheater who just doesn't care about planning your future together anymore and doesn't even care to ask what you think beforehand.

39. Your partner becomes a world champion nagger: A cheating partner may begin to constantly complain about you or your relationship and how unhappy he or she is. They may be overly critical of you, and suggest that things aren't working out. He or she may pick more fights to prove this point and makes no effort to make things work. At this point, your partner may be having an affair but also thinking of ending your relationship.

Now, if you do have genuine problems between you that you are working on, then there is probably nothing to worry about. However, if everything is going fine in your relationship and you do get along; your partner may be fabricating a broken relationship to justify not only his or her cheating, but also their leaving.

40. Sex? No thanks: If your partner is cheating on you, he may suddenly lose interest in having sex with you. Even if he or she does, they'll just go through the motions, with no shared feelings or emotions. If it's there any sex at all, it becomes just physical. If your partner has always been a passionate lover and suddenly becomes detached or cold in lovemaking for no good reason, there may be somebody else.

41. Who are you and what have you done with my wife?: If on the other hand, your man or lady usually is usually more reserved and subdued in bed, and suddenly becomes an extremely attentive and passionate lover with exaggerated displays of affection, they may be overcompensating to deal with their feelings of guilt.

They may suggest you try new things in bed and become more adventurous. Ask them where they got this newfound fervor, and if there's a valid explanation, then just enjoy. Otherwise stay alert. This change in sexual behavior might be a result of infidelity.

42. Extreme changes in feelings and behavior: Your partner may at times be very sexually engaged and at other times be completely withdrawn. Sometimes they shower you with affection, and other times they hardy want to talk to you and seem to avoid you.

Although, there may be good explanations for this type of unpredictable and erratic behavior, it is something to watch out for, especially if your partner used to be fairly consistent. It may be that they are cheating and are confused about their affair, thus taking out their mixed feelings on you.

43. He or she has become a complete downer: Has your partner been generally unsatisfied with their life lately even though they used to be happy? Is he or she much more negative than they used to be? This may be due to an exciting affair that they are having which has demonstrated to them how mundane their current life is. Have they become confused about their own sense of self? Maybe there is someone new in your partner's life who is calling into question their identity and who they are.

44. Bungee jumping, here I come: On a related note, is your partner suddenly a thrill seeker when you could never even get them to go on a child's water slide ride at your local amusement park? Does he suddenly want to get a motorcycle or a tattoo and signs up for mountain climbing classes? Of course, this might just be a mid-life crisis talking.

However, there's always the possibility that there is someone else, perhaps somebody younger in your partner's life that is instigating this transformation and inspiring this new attitude.

45. Low self-esteem: Another sign that your partner may be cheating is that he or she has increasingly low self esteem. This means that your partner is vulnerable and can fall prey to cheating because he or she cannot make themselves feel secure and worthy. If they believe that you are not providing them with enough approval or love and just aren't getting satisfaction from their job, they might go to someone else from whom they can obtain the desired feelings of security and self worth.

Of course this doesn't mean that if your partner cheats, this is your fault; your partner should have come to you first to resolve his or her issues, and low self esteem is no excuse for bad behavior.

46. Gonorrhea, herpes anyone?: A concrete sign that your partner may be straying is you have proof that they have contracted a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and it wasn't from you. Maybe you got a call from your husband's physician, or intercepted an email, or found lab results by mistake. You may even have seen the actual STD on your partner's body.

If this is the case and he or she has only gotten the disease recently, then your partner is not only straying but might even have contaminated you. So get yourself checked. If you have also gotten the STD and you have not engaged in sexual relations with a new partner, then this only serves to confirm your suspicions that your partner has been cheating on you.

47. The "friend" you never got to meet: A tangible sign of cheating is that someone new suddenly starts taking up your partner's time and attention. Whether it's a co-worker, a gym partner, or a friend from way back, this person seems to come out of the blue and he or she starts coming up in conversations and in future plans all the time.

Your partner brings up this mysterious friend in random conversation and they always seem to be at the right place at the right time and at social gatherings you weren't attending. Although it is healthy to seek out new friendships, it is a big red flag if your partner refuses to introduce you to this new friend and wants to keep him or her under wraps.

48. I'm a cheater? No you're the cheater, you cheater: A telltale sign that your partner might be cheating is that they turn around and accuse you of straying when you have given them no reason to doubt you. Of course, there's always the possibility that they're just jealous or are feeling insecure in the relationship. However, if you have reassured them of your unconditional love and have done more than enough to placate their anxiety, and they're still accusing you left and right, something is definitely wrong.

The reason they may be doing this if they're cheating is to deflect attention from their own behavior. They may also genuinely believe that you're cheating because they become paranoid and start imagining their own deceptive tactics everywhere. Don't fall into this trap, and don't start accusing them of cheating either, look out for other signs to be sure.

49. Follow your gut: The biggest sign that your partner may be cheating is that there is something deep inside of you that is making you doubt him or her in the first place. Think about it; you know your partner better than anyone. Their habits, actions and behaviors are hardwired into your brain, and so if you feel it in your gut that there's something wrong, then follow your instincts. It might turn out to be true.

49 Signs Of A Cheating Partner - Read These Red Flags Now And Know If Your Partner Is A Cheater
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Natural Sinus Relief - How to Cure Sinus Congestion Naturally

Victims of chronic Sinus Congestion may have the following symptoms for 12 weeks or more: facial pain/pressure, facial congestion/fullness, nasal obstruction/blockage, thick nasal discharge/discolored post-nasal drainage, pus in the nasal cavity, and at times, fever. They may also have headache, bad breath, and fatigue. Typically this condition is the result of several causes combined. While you can't necessarily eliminate the causes, you can be proactive about natural sinus relief solutions and take a few preventative measures that will decrease the occurrence of sinus congestion.

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However, allergies can cause sinus congestion, which can lead to headache pain. If you have allergies, the treatment for your allergy will not relieve your headache pain. Some sinus congestion is caused by food allergies. Milk and wheat are both common sinus offenders that cause allergic reactions and boost mucus production. Generally, a sinusitis condition causes nasal congestion and facial pain and pressure, will last more than ten days, and could also cause a thick yellow green mucus discharge, requiring sinus infection treatment.

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Many people seek natural sinus relief because they react poorly to the ingredients in decongestant and antihistamine medications. Why? Because usually decongestant nasal sprays should only be used for short periods of time, or they can make congestion worse. Using decongestants when you have an upper respiratory infection may reduce your risk of developing sinusitis.

Antihistamines can be effective for treatment of allergy but when it comes to sinus drainage, the medication actually thicken the mucus, hampering sinus drainage and could lead to an infection.

Sinus congestion is harmful but if you take care of it in a proper manner you can easily get rid of it. One of the simple natural sinus relief without any side effects that you can do at home is using a steam inhalation. You should inhale steam vapors periodically. It is very helpful to steep some eucalyptus in a large pot of boiling water and use as an inhalant to unblock nasal passages. Add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil at the bottom of a large bowl and carefully fill it with steaming hot water at least three to four times a day for 2-3 minutes. Quickly put a towel over your head and carefully lean over the bowl to breathe in the vapors.

There are numerous reasons why you should combine steam inhalation and eucalyptus ingredients to treat sinus problems naturally. Eucalyptus essential oil is probably the most effective of all sinus infection remedies. Researchers also discovered the highly concentrated extract of eucalyptus called Cineole is a powerful antiseptic properties. This convenient remedy will break up mucus congestion and improve drainage, thus eliminating the block and relieving pressure. This will also soothe inflammation, which will ease sinus pain and provide effective natural sinus relief.

Natural Sinus Relief - How to Cure Sinus Congestion Naturally
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Pick of the Week: Artic Cat 400 4x4

Generally speaking, Artic Cat ATVs have a huge market share as far as mid-range ATVs are concerned. Combine their affordability with high quality parts - they have gained good ground on the ATVs that they produce and thus far, have a lot of ATV fans hooked. The 2007 model comes in three versions to meet the different needs of different ATV riders. The good thing is that there's an option for you to purchase the Arctic Cat ATV which is a single-seater or you can pick the Artic Cat that is a double-seater - the choice is yours to make. Accordingly, the price difference is roughly ,000. The other Arctic Cat 400 versions are ones with and without automatic transmission.

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Other features of Arctic Cat 400 4x4 ATV

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o Suzuki-built engine

o Engine is air-cooled, four-stroke, four valves and one overhead cam

o Manual is five speed with high and low range; comes with reverse

o Option: two or four wheel drive

o Locking front differential

o Ten inches of travel at both ends; twelve inches ground clearance underneath

What others have to say about Arctic Cat 400 4x4 ATV

This ATV is more comfortable than we first expected it to be - the seat is extremely soft and comfortable to ride on making every ride you have on the ATV a smash! Most Arctic Cat fans say that the thing that they were most impressed with were the fact that it had a front lock differential - it's almost impossible to get stuck in this ATV. "One time, I was ready to bring on the winch but then I suddenly remembered that my Arctic Cat had front differential feature and within a heart beat, I was out. It was amazing", says Kenneth Mahon (35), a satisfied Arctic Cat ATV fan.

Cody Zimmerman (22), is absolutely in love with his Arctic Cat 400 and says that it's an AWESOME machine to have simply because of it's ground clearance. It's fast enough, safe enough, fun enough and can go just about anywhere a two-wheeler and four-wheeler can go. And Cody reckons that Arctic Cat gives good pricing for an ATV like this too!

Other reviews of Arctic Cat 400 4x4 ATV

However, it's not all beds and roses with the Arctic Cat because one problem we found was that the gears were set too high. For instance, the reverse gear was set so high that if you tried to reverse yourself out of the mud, you won't be able to because it won't have enough power to get the ATV out. Perhaps a change of tires would do the trick, so, it's all trial and error here.

Arctic Cat 400 is probably not the best machine to race on but it is definitely one of the best ATVs to own if you love get a little muddy! It's got the power to get the machine out of anything if you get the right tires and it's decently fast. But we reckon it's nothing a little modification can't fix. And for that price? Come on!

Pick of the Week: Artic Cat 400 4x4
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When Parent Child Roles Reverse

So often I hear frustrated clients tell me, "Help, my elderly parents are so stubborn and they are driving me crazy!" I completely understand this frustration as I have been there too. My elderly mother became more and more forgetful as she got older. She would forget to eat and drink. She was too frail to drive and her life consisted of playing solitaire, watching TV and waiting and hoping that someone might stop by for a visit or give her a call. Trouble was, she never had anything to talk about because she had become so isolated from the world. She refused to move to a senior community and expected me to be available at a moments notice - even though I lived hours away and had a family and full time job. I was so worried about her and frustrated too. So, I get it. I really do. I understand what it's like to be a parent to a parent. I got through it. I help my clients get through it and you can get through it too. Here are some thoughts that might make you, as a parent to your parent, feel a little better.

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First of all, it is important to understand that the Senior in your life is experiencing a lot of loss- sometimes on a daily basis. It doesn't matter if they do or do not believe in the necessity of moving to a safer place. It still hurts and our patience is required. They are most likely losing more of their independence on a daily basis. They have already suffered some physical and mental loss and are feeling sad, confused and probably a little angry too. They may have lost their beloved life partner. Seniors will often say "no" just because they can as it is the last bastion of their independence. If they move, they are leaving memories, familiar surroundings, neighbors and friends behind. They don't remember how to make friends and aren't particularly eager to make the effort to do so again.

Toddler Bed Safety

If you are the adult child of a Senior, you are feeling a lot of loss too! Your role has been reversed and it feels uncomfortable and overwhelming. You remember when they were young. You hate seeing them lose their independence. If they have to move, you will miss the old family home too! You also wish things could stay the same. You feel guilty that you can't keep them in their home. You feel guilty that they can't live with you. You feel guilty that you have to take so much time away from your own family and career. You feel guilty that you feel angry when they make demands on you. You feel guilty for feeling guilty!

Wow, that's a lot of anger, sadness and guilt all around!

Relax, trust and know that as the adult "parent to your parents", that regardless of what you are feeling, you are bringing the love, nurturing, patience and care that you received as a child, back full circle to them. What a privilege. What a gift. Even if they don't appreciate it, you are helping them move forward and live safer and happier lives. Be content with knowing that. Living alone is not fun. Living alone is boring. Living alone when you are a Senior can be dangerous.

Sometimes your aging parents will absolutely refuse to move under any circumstances. In that case, offer them solutions. You can't be with them all the time. They can't be left alone. So ask them what the solution might be? Just being faced with having to solve the problem will encourage them to let go and let you decide for them. If they are worried about what to do with 40 years of accumulated possessions, help them choose what to take, get them out of their house and into their new senior community first. Then you can clear the house of their excess stuff. You can't do it when they are still living in their new home. It's too traumatic for everyone concerned. If you can't take care of the move yourself, hire someone through NAPO National Association of Professional Organizers, or NASMM National Association of Senior Move Managers to do it for you. You can find a professional near you through their national website.

On the day of the big move, pack a suitcase and/or a banker's box for your senior in preparation for the move. Mark it carefully and be responsible for it. It should contain all critical papers, medications, valuable jewelry and any other important documents you can think of. Moving is very unsettling and the fear for Seniors of losing important things is great. Seniors can fall into a state of panic if they cannot find certain items. Help them feel safe about these things. Take them out of their home before the movers arrive and don't deliver them to their new home until it has been unpacked and completely set up. I like to tell my clients that their parents will feel like they've been "beamed like Star Trek" into their new home and, it will feel like home - beds made, food in the frig, everything put away, cable TV installed, pictures on the wall, mementos on display.

In their new Senior Community, your parents will be watched and cared for around the clock. You will be assured that they are eating and drinking - a lot of seniors "forget" to do this and fall ill. They will make new friends and have new people to tell their old stories to. The can share life experiences with their peers. They will also be intellectually stimulated once again, which might bring back some of their lost cognitive abilities. They will be encouraged to re engage in the world-and most importantly, they will be SAFE.

Once they have moved, you will feel better too! You will be relieved that they are safe and watched over. You will know that they are eating properly and drinking fluids. You will know that their lives are now richer, with new friends and lots of activities to look forward to. You will enjoy your visits with them once again and you will get your own life back in the process.  

When Parent Child Roles Reverse
Toddler Bed Safety

Christmas Sales Tots In Mind Crib Tent for Convertible Cribs, White 201

Dec 26, 2011 07:42:43

Christmas Tots In Mind Crib Tent for Convertible Cribs, White Deals
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Tots In Mind Crib Tent for Convertible Cribs, White

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Tots In Mind Crib Tent for Convertible Cribs, White <<

Christmas Sales Tots In Mind Crib Tent for Convertible Cribs, White Feature

  • For most convertible cribs with a higher back than front
  • Not for cribs with solid backs
  • Hand wash hang dry assembled

Christmas Sales Tots In Mind Crib Tent for Convertible Cribs, White Overview

Tots In Mind Crib Tent for Convertible Cribs

Crib Tent for Convertible Cribs. Helps prevent injuries to limbs between crib rungs; helps prefent injuries from falls, helps prevent child from climbing out and unattended wandering; helps protect from unwanted objects and pets entering crib while containng child's own bottles, toys etc Fits most convertible cribs without solid front or back

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This Christmas Tots In Mind Crib Tent for Convertible Cribs, White is cheap and shipping as well.

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Tots In Mind Crib Tent for Convertible Cribs, White

Limited Offer Today!! Tots In Mind Crib Tent for Convertible Cribs, White Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Toy Storage Bench

Best Convertible Crib - How Do I Choose the Ideal Crib For My Baby?

Before we jump into the features that the best convertible cribs share lets have a look at what convertible cribs are and how they differ. There are a couple of different types of convertible cribs to consider:

Toddler Bed Safety

A) 3-in-1 Crib: The 3-in-1 crib can be converted from a crib into a daybed and into a toddler bed.

Toddler Bed Safety

B) 4-in-1 Crib: The 4-in-1 crib can be converted from a crib into a toddler bed, a daybed and a full-sized bed.

C) 5-in-1 Crib: The 5-in-1 crib can be converted from a crib to a toddler bed, a daybed, a loveseat, and a full-sized bed.

As you might have noticed, the convertible cribs vary by duration of use. In the convertible crib category the 3-in-1 type is used for the shortest period of time and 5-in-1 can last the whole childhood.

Here are some things you need to be looking for before you jump in:

1) Convertability - Not all cribs can be converted in the reverse direction i.e. you might not be able to convert the toddler bed back into a crib if you wanted to reuse the crib. Some cribs are convertible. We highly recommend you figure out whether this is an important requirement before going shopping.

2) Ease of use/Comfort - The best convertible cribs use a one hand drop and lift system. The easier the crib is to use and the more comfortable it is, the easier it will be to put your little one to sleep. After all, their comfort is what you're striving for. The more relaxed and comfortable they are, the better they sleep. That gives you more time to get to the other things in your life.

3) Safety - This is a top consideration for all parents when they are shopping for convertible cribs. Even though most cribs manufactured or imported have to meet strict safety regulations it helps to do your own research. Some baby furniture manufacturers take safety more seriously than others. Look for the brands such as Da Vinci and Graco that value safety above all else.

4) Cost - When you just start out looking for cribs you will be shocked at the prices of convertible ones vs the regular ones. Its easier to understand the price differences when you consider the longevity of a convertible crib. Most kids will outgrow the regular crib by the time they reach 2 years of age. This is when you go shopping for a single bed for your toddler. Then comes a few years of growth spurts where your kids outgrow the smaller beds too. A good convertible bed will last you through several of these phases of your kid's life. Not only is this more economical it helps your kid sleep a lot better because of the familiarity with the bed.

Best Convertible Crib - How Do I Choose the Ideal Crib For My Baby?
Toddler Bed Safety

Christmas Sales KidCo PeaPod Portable Travel Bed - Periwinkle 201

Dec 25, 2011 07:51:19

Christmas KidCo PeaPod Portable Travel Bed - Periwinkle Deals
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KidCo PeaPod Portable Travel Bed - Periwinkle

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for KidCo PeaPod Portable Travel Bed - Periwinkle <<

Christmas Sales KidCo PeaPod Portable Travel Bed - Periwinkle Feature

  • Travel bed
  • Mattress Included
  • Great for outdoors
  • UV protection and wind screens
  • Zippered panel

Christmas Sales KidCo PeaPod Portable Travel Bed - Periwinkle Overview

KidCo PeaPod with MattressKidCo's PeaPodTM the travel bed that does it all for the on-the-go parent!  Comes with a regular mattress which helps protect baby from cold, damp floors while providing a comforting place to sleep.  Great for outdoors because of its UV protection and wind screens.  Zippered panel allows parents quick and easy access to baby from virtually any angle.  The slick, easy to fold design makes it ideal for storage and use anytime.

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This Christmas KidCo PeaPod Portable Travel Bed - Periwinkle is cheap and shipping as well.

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KidCo PeaPod Portable Travel Bed - Periwinkle

Limited Offer Today!! KidCo PeaPod Portable Travel Bed - Periwinkle Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Extra Large Bean Bag Sleeper Ottoman Bed Cherry Veneer Bookcase

Cute Ideas on Decorating a Baby Boy's Room

Decorating can be really fun, and you can get as creative as you would like! Decorating a little boy's room is my favorite, maybe because I have a son. Who knows! It can get pricey, but if you look around everywhere before just making a decision, then you will find exactly what you wanted for a better price. It's out there, trust me.

Toddler Bed Safety

My first idea is decorating a room like a rain forest. Paint the room like a rain forest. Just find a picture you love, and show the painter. Or if you can paint, do it yourself! Put actual plants in the room. It gives out oxygen, and looks cool, especially with a rain forest theme. Put a rope made of fake leaves hanging from one wall to the other with a stuffed monkey attached to it. That is just an idea of one of the many things you could come up with. Maybe even pick a bed that looks like tree bark? You could also hang a pretty sun in the corner with a light bulb behind it, and use it as a lamp at night. That would be really neat!

Toddler Bed Safety

Another idea is Winnie the Pooh. Most kids love him! Who wouldn't love a cuddly little bear with a sweet voice. As for painting, you can choose whatever you may, or paint all the characters on the wall, or Pooh getting honey, or all of the characters dancing or playing. Make a bee hive that holds the diapers. That is my favorite idea! You could also hang little fake bees around it. Get creative!

My third idea is the ocean. This is the most broad idea. The colors are also very peaceful and classy-looking. Make the bed a boat. Paint pretty reefs on the wall with pretty fish. Make everything out of some kind of fish in the ocean. Like the diaper holder, make a blowfish or an anchor. You could even put a real fish tank in his room with real fish! Just make sure it is really high up so that he can not get a hold of it, and make sure it is sturdy, so he can not knock it over.

There are so many different ideas for decorating a little boy's room. These are just some of my favorite. Get creative, take your time, draw it out first, shop online, and shop at different places. Think about what you can make, so that that is less money to spend. Here are a couple sites that may help.

Cute Ideas on Decorating a Baby Boy's Room
Toddler Bed Safety

Christmas Sales Cars Wooden Toddler Bed with Safe Sleep Rails 201

Dec 24, 2011 07:54:48

Christmas Cars Wooden Toddler Bed with Safe Sleep Rails Deals
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Cars Wooden Toddler Bed with Safe Sleep Rails

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Cars Wooden Toddler Bed with Safe Sleep Rails <<

Christmas Sales Cars Wooden Toddler Bed with Safe Sleep Rails Feature

  • Super cool Disney Cars design theme featuring bright colors and cheerful designs
  • Made of solid wood construction for strength and durability that will last
  • Uses standard crib mattress (sold separately) Meets all JPMA safety standards for toddler beds and comes in a non-toxic finish.
  • Sits low to the ground for easy in and out.
  • Some assembly required. Meets all JPMA/ASTM safety standards.

Christmas Sales Cars Wooden Toddler Bed with Safe Sleep Rails Overview

This adorable Disney Cars wooden toddler bed is just the right size for your little speed racer as he grows from crib to big boy bed. Sits low the ground for easy in and out capability. With its adorable design featuring bright cheerful colors and his favorite Cars characters he is sure to be excited about getting his rest! Removable safe sleep guard rails ensure your little speedster will be sleeping safely. Uses a standard sized crib mattress (not included). Meets all JPMA safety standards. For use up to 50 lbs. Some assembly required. Dimensions: 53" x 30.5" x 26.2"

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This Christmas Cars Wooden Toddler Bed with Safe Sleep Rails is cheap and shipping as well.

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Cars Wooden Toddler Bed with Safe Sleep Rails

Limited Offer Today!! Cars Wooden Toddler Bed with Safe Sleep Rails Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Toy Boxes Furniture

Find Treasure: 14 Unusual Places To Search

Are you the adventurous type?

Toddler Bed Safety

Have you ever wanted to be a treasure hunter but you were not sure where to begin?

Toddler Bed Safety

Here's some ideas that myself and others have used with positive results.

You may not get rich, but you'll have a great time.

Yes, People Do Hide Money

Since the beginning of time people have hid, cached, hoarded, secreted and buried money. You may be asking yourself why? Here are a number of reasons.

People don't trust banks or financial institutions. Many individuals who grew up during the depression are hiding money. They fear they may go through what their families went through. So they hide money as a way to feel secure.

Many people don't trust their spouses. I'm not kidding.

I have been asked by husbands and wives to search for buried caches that were suspected hidden by the spouse.

People hide money and valuables because they don't trust their family.

This is the same situation as the above example. There always have been and always will be internal money problems with some families. And for some, hiding their money so that know family member knows about it, is the answer.

This next example is a common one, even today.

Many people hide money with the intention of giving it to their family members or a spouse. However, they die first. The hidden money is never found. It's not found because the hider never told the hidee. Happens all the time!

You can find treasure for the above reasons, many people do.

Here are 14 unusual places to search.

The first few places require a metal detector. You can purchase one that will do the job for around two hundred dollars.

Posthole Banks

Okay, you're asking what's a posthole bank?

A posthole bank is the hole in the ground that is left after a fence post is dug.

Many farmers buried their coins beneath the fence posts of their properties. They simply removed the fence post, inserted the money into the hole, and then replaced the post. I know individuals who have located these posthole banks.

Near Big Old Trees

I've been lucky myself with this one.

I found a small, mason jar filled with old coins. The jar was buried at the base of an old elm tree.

Many times old trees are used as markers for the person who is hiding the money. Usually the old trees in backyards are where most treasures are found.


People have always had gardens, and many have buried their valuables their.

These garden hiding places are the most prevalent. I know others who have searched gardens and found everything from mason jars full of coins to large steel boxes of jewelry.

In The Outhouse

Don't laugh; but do think about this one.

How many of you would think of searching an outhouse for a buried treasure?

Many old timers cached their coins in the outhouse because they knew people would never think of searching there.

The old out houses can still be found. If you want to give this one a try, look beneath the seat. The wooden frame the seat sits on can usually be removed. Don't worry, unless the crapper is still being used, the bacteria and stuff is no longer there. If it were, I would have died years ago.

Beneath Barn Flooring

Here's another area I have first hand knowledge of.

Many old barns have wooden floors that sit on top of a crawl space. Often time's money and valuables were hidden below the floor. Look for loose floorboards as a good sign that a cache is there.

Rivers and Creeks

Where do you think most thieves throw their loot when fleeing from the law?

I have heard many stories from treasure searchers who have dragged river and creek bottoms and have found cash, coins and jewelry.

Some of these finds have been old. Coins and paper currency dated in the 1850's were recently located in a creek in Pennsylvania. They were cached inside what looked like an old bank safety deposit box.

All you need is a rope tied to a grappling hook. You'll uncover many items, mostly junk, as well as getting the hook stuck on tree limbs time and time again.

If you're the enterprising kind, research the robberies in your area, especially the ones where the money or items were never returned.

Beneath Bridges

This also has to do with thieves on the run.

When you are searching those river and creek beds be sure that you also take the time to search beneath the bridges.

Search the bridge itself as well as the ground beneath it.

And remember; when thieves are on the run, they don't spend a lot of time hiding their stolen goods. So look in the obvious places like between the joists of the bridge, or the steel girders.

If it will take time to climb up to, or it's too dangerous, then you're wasting your time.

By the way, I know an adventurous individual who has recovered large amounts of cash from beneath two bridges, less than two miles from each other.

Why was the cash beneath those bridges?

Most likely it was drug money and the drug dealer was caught before going back to retrieve his stash.

Picture Frame Backs

If you enjoy going to home auctions or flea markets, then make sure you pay special attention to those old picture frames.

The frames themselves may be worth lots of money, but you can also find treasures on the back of those frames.

Many individuals used to hide money between the picture backing and the frame. Others just stapled an envelope with the cash directly to the frame back.

Old Medicine Cabinets

When you're at the flea markets and auctions, check those old medicine cabinets. They used to have slots in them to dispose of used razor blades. It's been known that many individuals have secreted their coins into those slots.

If you get permission to treasure hunt old abandoned houses, be sure to search those medicine cabinets as well as the following places.

Pipe Safe

Look for piping that leads nowhere and that has been capped off.

If you're in an old house and you notice a large pipe that looks like it do's not belong where it is, in other words, there are no valves to it, and it's capped? It's probably a pipe safe.

There have been people who stashed all kinds of money from silver dollars to paper money inside piping.

Beneath Attic Floors

Be sure to check the attic flooring of old homes.

Look beneath any loose flooring between the joists. This was another common hiding area.

Basement Floor Joists

The same as above look between the joists.

Loose Stone Basement Walls

When you're in the basements of older homes, be sure to look for any of the basement stonewall that may be loose, for easy removal.

Small and large caches have been located there.

Inside the walls

People have also used the walls of their homes as a hiding place for money. I've seen everything from holes on the walls covered by a picture, to lath and plaster walls with slots cut into them for coins.

Always ask for permission before you attempt to go into any abandoned property. And be sure to respect the rights of all property owners.

Find Treasure: 14 Unusual Places To Search
Toddler Bed Safety

Christmas Sales Kidco Convertible Crib Bed Rail 201

Dec 23, 2011 08:02:47

Christmas Kidco Convertible Crib Bed Rail Deals
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Kidco Convertible Crib Bed Rail

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Kidco Convertible Crib Bed Rail <<

Christmas Sales Kidco Convertible Crib Bed Rail Feature

  • Specifically designed for use with most convertible cribs
  • 13" - 14" total height
  • Easy Installation, no tools needed
  • Steel and mesh materials
  • Age Range: 1-3; For use when child still sleeps in crib-toddler bed style

Christmas Sales Kidco Convertible Crib Bed Rail Overview

KidCo Convertible Crib Bed Rail The folks at KidCo know that your child's safety is your number one priority. That's why KidCo specializes in designing products to keep your child secure, at home, or on the road. The KidCo Convertible Crib Bed Rail brings the company's safety expertise to bear on your tot's sleeptime. The Kidco Crib Bed Rail can be used with most convertible cribs and installing it is a snap! Makes the transition from crib to big-kid bed less stressful for both you and your t

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This Christmas Kidco Convertible Crib Bed Rail is cheap and shipping as well.

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Kidco Convertible Crib Bed Rail

Limited Offer Today!! Kidco Convertible Crib Bed Rail Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Organic Foam Mattress Kalani Crib